
Object Variations and Skins

Add Object Variations to a Building

Shift+V variations

Keys you need to set:

Every building has at least one /Values/Variations/Item entry. You just need to add more entries and set AllowChangeVariation to 1 and you are done.

Use BuildModeStartVariation to select a specific default variation instead of random choice when the player starts building:

Modifying an existing building can be as short as:

<ModOp Type="add" GUID='100415' Path="/Values/Building">
<ModOp Type="add" GUID='100415' Path="/Values/Object/Variations">

⚠ Important: You need to make sure that you don’t have QuestObject in your building and template. It will prevent the variations from working.

Example: New Town Hall (as variations adds variations to an existing building, as buildings adds a new building with variations).

Variation Change Arrows in the UI

You can enable arrows to switch through your variations like you know it from palace modules or depots if you use the Generic UI (default for ornamental buildings). Therefore set icons for the variations by adding this to Asset/Values/Building:

  <!-- one entry per variation -->

Automatically Change Variation Based on Neighbors

Fences, walls and residences with corner buildings use this mechanism.

Keys you need to set in /Values/Building:


  <!-- as many influencers as you like -->


Define which variation (index of Object/Variations entry) is used for the pools. When which pool is triggered is defined by InfluencedVariationDirection.

You can fix the direction of an individual variation here with DirectionOffet. ⚠ The typo is in the game. Direction rotates counter clock wise.

      <!-- ... -->
  <!-- below follow the same structure as Single -->
  <DontCare />
  <Corner />
  <Mid />
  <End />
  <TCrossing />
  <Crossing />

Multiple entries of the same variation for different rotations don’t work. But vanilla assets.xml also defines them, so they were supposed to work at some point.

Defaults are 0. <Item /> is an item with variation and direction set to zero.

Pools can be empty if you don’t use them.


Contains a list of exactly 16 items with a fixed scenario (end, mid, …) for each.

The following is an example I used for New World tier 3 buildings.

    <!-- single -->
    <!-- end, south-west -->
    <!-- end, south-east -->
    <!-- corner, south -->
    <!-- end, north-east -->
    <!-- mid, south-west to north-east -->
    <!-- corner, east -->
    <!-- T, front facing south-east -->
    <!-- end, north-west -->
    <!-- corner, west -->
    <!-- mid, north-west to south-east -->
    <!-- T, front facing south-west  -->
    <!-- corner, north -->
    <!-- T, front facing north-west -->
    <!-- T, front facing north-east -->
    <!-- crossing -->

Direction rotates counter clock wise. Default facing is X towards NW, Y towards NE.

DontCare does seem to include all variations, even if you didn’t define them in the BuildingBlockPool.

Defaults are 0. <Item /> is an item with variation and direction set to zero.

Add Object Skins to a Building

You can add multiple Skins to your building by adding this to Asset/Values/Object:

       <!-- One entry per Skin -->

The first skin is the building you defined in Asset/Values/Object. This skin is called Default Skin and is automatically applied when you select the building directly in the construction menu.

       <Name>My Second Skin</Name>
         <!-- One entry per Object Variation -->
     <Locked />

If you have more than one building variation in Object/Variations you also have to add the same amount of item entries in SkinVariations, since the game works index based here. So e.g. if you have 5 different building variations you also need 5 skin variations for each skin you add. Otherwise the game gets confused and variation / skin cycles can be broken

Skins need to be unlocked via trigger, unless you set DefaultLockedState to 0.