
Create custom cloth .rdms

Taubenangriff made a new version of the rdm4-bin.exe which now supports the vertex format P3f_N3f_G3f_B3f_T2f_C4b when converting from .gltf/.glb to .rdm (atm not from .rdm to .gltf/.glb). This format is required for Clothes, which are usually used for flags, sails and all other models which are supposed to not to be stiff.

In comparison to the simple Wind_Ripples effect which is available for the common assets (T2h and I4b), Clothes allow much bigger meshes and targeted deflections for each vertice. If you just need a small awning which should fake motion through wind, then the Wind_Ripples effect should be sufficient (simply enable it in the corresponding cfg material and adjust its values).

As an easy example for this guide we recreate one of the ornamental airport flags but apply less deflections: data/dlc11/graphics/buildings/ornaments/airport/airport_flag_02.cfg

Import mesh

You can…

In this case, import via option 2 is faster, so I used that one here.

Vertex Paint



cloth6 This is how it looks like in Edit mode: cloth7

Before export, make sure your face normals are continuous for all areas which should behave as a single piece of cloth ingame. Otherwise each discontinuous area will be affected by the cloth dynamics (set in your cfg) individually and you won’t get a continuous deflection across your cloth surface. In this example this is already the case, so nothing more to do here. However for other (custom) meshes this could not be the case. Therefore:

Export mesh and conversion to rdm


your_path/rdm4-bin.exe -i your_path/your_file.glb -g=P3f_N3f_G3f_B3f_T2f_C4b

and if you imported via .cfg add: --negative-x-and-v0v2v1 to mirror the model correctly again.


Result ingame:
