
Excourse: Embedding Text

The Game supports embedding Text from a Textsource. Every variable inside TextSources.TextSourceRoots can be embedded. The Embed does is unable to use function calls, only variables.

For our example, we are gonna embed the current balance as a text for Asset 2001000000. The variable in the API for the current balance is: ts.Money.TotalIncome. We

And end up with [Money TotalIncome]

Sometimes, you have the issue that a variable is not in the API, only it’s getters and setters. In this case, just omit the Get/Set part and use the remaining name as Variable name, it’s gonna work.

<ModOp Type = "add" Path = "/TextExport/Texts">
        <Text>[Money TotalIncome]</Text>


Now, you might have noticed that this results in our current balance being printed as an unformatted number like -1000000. To get a nicely formatted text, you can use TextSourceFormatting as defined in Asset 100274

What you do is adding a formatidentifier like balance10K to your text with the >> formatting operator after the value.

Example: [Money TotalIncome >> balance10K]

And because > is an invalid character, you gotta escape it.

<ModOp Type = "add" Path = "/TextExport/Texts">
        <Text>[Money TotalIncome &gt;&gt; balance10K]</Text>